About Us

Dr Keller has an undergraduate degree in Business and Advertising. He is a nationally Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor and a certified Temperament Therapist. He has a Masters in Theology from Fuller Seminary and a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling Psychology. Ron has more than 40 years of experience in corporate consulting as well as youth, marriage and family counseling. He is a member of the National Christian Counselors Association, the National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists, the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling, the American Association of Christian Counselors and the International Ministerial Fellowship.
He has worked with and trained leaders from all types of professions and organizations. He is passionate about helping people discover and capitalize on their uniqueness in order to accomplish more than they could ever imagine or hope for. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife and has five adult children. He and his wife enjoy sailing, photography, kayaking and biking.

Nancy Keller has an undergraduate degree in Music Education and Performance. Her Masters Degree work was in Ministry, and she received a Masters in Pastoral Studies (MAPS) from the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul, MN.
Nancy worked in full-time ministry for the Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls for 40 years. Her expertise is in pre-marriage, marriage, and Temperament counseling.
Nancy is also a certified PREPARE/ENRICH trainer for therapists and clergy and has also trained many Marriage Mentor couples.
Nancy’s call is in helping couples have strong, solid, fulfilling marriages that honor God.

Britney Ahlmann has a BSB in Marketing from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. She is an experienced Marketing Director and brings great dedication and understanding of purpose to her work.
Britney is certified in the APS Temperament Profile, and is "behind-the-scenes" in the operations of Ron Keller & Associates.
Britney is inquisitive, intuitive, passionate, and fast-paced while at the same time understanding and respectful of what she has learned about her own Temperament strengths, weaknesses, and needs. She has a husband and two young boys that keep her busy as well.